Whether you have two, three or four hours to party, here’s your rip-out guide for how it should flow…
8:00pm-Guests head from the cocktail hour into the reception and find their seats.
8:15pm-Your emcee begins introducing the wedding party, starting with your parents.
8:20pm-The first dance
8:25pm-A welcome speech or a blessing from your parents. If you’re not having either, begin the toasts now—best man followed by maid of honor.
8:30-Dinner is served. The emcee asks guests to take their seats. Music should be low enough so guests can talk at their tables.
9:00pm-The music volume starts to increase gradually to get people who finished their meals out onto the dance floor.
9:30pm-The father-daughter dance, which is followed by the mother-son dance.
9:35-A dance set begins with more upbeat songs to entice most guests out of their seats.
9:45-A combination of slow songs and more upbeat songs play to keep your guests on the dance floor.
”Play lighter songs that appeal to the older crowd during dinner this way, they won’t care if the dancing is mostly to newer songs”
10:00pm-The cake cutting
10:35pm-Some mid-space songs play as cake is served so guests can dance if they want.
10:45pm-Guests are seated for cake
11:00pm-The bouquet toss, followed by the garter toss, if you’re doing them.
11:10pm-The final dance set. Time to play those songs you felt funny playing while all the elderly guests were still there!
11:55pm- the last dance, followed by your grand exit if you’re making one!