As much as I adore wedding cakes, couture wedding cupcakes, brides seem to be coming up with some pretty gorgeous alternatives. I kind of love the idea of a candy buffet, either in addition to or in lieu of a wedding cake. A candy buffet presents your wedding guests with an assortment of delectable sweet treats to choose from. All they have to do is pick out the ones they like and stuff them into provide candy containers. You can either use small boxes or bags for containers; and to add a personal touch you can stamp each one with either a love quote or anything you find fitting. To tide the bags you can also attached a simple colored ribbon...
When setting up a candy buffet, you can either stick to your wedding color schemes, or use a different one altogether. There really is no limit to what you can do...First off, set up a table with nice containers that can display your candies. You may decorate the candy buffet with flowers ribbons and candles.
A great money saving tip: Only use the larger containers for the less expensive candy and the smaller ones for the more expensive candy, no one really knows the difference but you and your pocket.
Be creative with your candy selections you can even have lollipops, candy necklaces, pretzels covered with chocolate, gummy bears, chocolates that are in shells or wrappers, instead of the truffle types that may tend to soften or melt, jelly beans, macaroons cookies and many more...
Remember the possibilities are endless when it comes to wedding candy buffet ideas you can always add candy brands that have always been your favorites, as a way of sharing a part of yourself with your guests. For sure, they will remember your colorful wedding as well as cherish and enjoy their sweet giveaways.
Candy is an excellent way to say Thank you! to your guests and kids love it too...

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